
Founded in 2010, the Chancellor’s Commission on Women is an advisory group charged with reviewing and monitoring policies, programs and issues to ensure that all women of the university are given the best possible opportunities for success within the institution and in their professional and college careers.
Membership comprises both graduate and undergraduate students, faculty and staff who serve on staggered three-year appointments to ensure there’s a fresh and diverse points of view represented. The group collectively decides what issues to tackle each year, and relies on input from colleagues, students, and occasional surveys to gain a sense of the campus’ interests and needs.
Ex-officio members include delegates from the Faculty Senate, the Staff Senate, the Associated Student Government, Graduate and Professional Student Congress, the provost’s office, and the chancellor’s office.
The primary mission of the Commission on Women is to be an advocate for the interest of the entire community of women at the University of Arkansas. This community includes undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, administrators, and both classified and non-classified staff. To achieve its mission, the Commission:
- Advises and makes recommendations to the chancellor and the provost on issues related to women.
- Communicates and collaborates with other groups concerned with gender and diversity.
- Identifies issues critical to the environment of faculty, staff, and student women.
- Assesses the differential impact of all university policies on women.
- Proposes initiatives and strategies to ensure a supportive and welcoming environment.
- Educates the community about women’s issues.
The Staff Liaison to the Women's Commission is Angela Mosley-Monts.